KAPS (Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences) exam guide and sample paper Quiz

KAPS (Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences) exam guide and sample paper Quiz

The KAPS (Knowledge Assessment of Pharmaceutical Sciences) exam tests your knowledge and understanding of pharmaceutical sciences. Passing it confirms that you know enough to practise safely and effectively in an Australian setting.

This guide to the KAPS exam outlines the subject areas we assess, and will help you to prepare for the exam. You’ll need to assess your own knowledge level, then evaluate that knowledge as much you can against the exam material.

Exam format

The KAPS exam consists of 200 questions delivered over two 2-hour sessions (a total of 4 hours of assessment) with a 60-minute scheduled break in between.

Before starting the exam, you are given 15 minutes to complete a tutorial designed to familiarise yourself with the exam software. You’re given 5 minutes at the end of the exam to complete a survey.

All questions are multiple-choice questions with one correct answer out of four options.

KAPS is a closed-book exam. This means you cannot bring any printed or handwritten reference materials into the exam with you.

They base their exams on the latest information, which you can find in relevant:

  • journals
  • publications
  • textbooks

It’s up to you to find this information. They do not endorse any external reference sources.

Distribution Per Content Area

Content areaApproximate distribution per content area
Paper 1
Pharmaceutical Chemistry30%
Physiology and Pharmacology70%
Paper 2

Exam scoring

You must complete all questions in the paper or papers you sit.

To pass the exam, you need a mark of at least 50% in all subsections of the exam.

Paper 1Pharmaceutical chemistry 50%
Pharmacology and physiology 50%
Paper 2Pharmaceutics 50%
Therapeutics 50%

You need an overall mark of at least 50%.

You will receive a results certificate indicating your outcome. They will email you or your agent when your results are available. Expect this to be around 2 weeks after you sit the exam.

Content areas for the KAPS exam

The KAPS exam consists of 2 papers:

  • Paper 1: Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology and physiology
  • Paper 2: Pharmaceutics and therapeutics

Paper 1: Pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology and physiology

Pharmaceutical Chemistry

You’ll need to show you understand and have suitable knowledge in the following content areas:

Paper 1Content assessedIndicative elements
1Organic chemistryNomenclature
Drug class recognition
Reaction types
Functional group reactivity
Drug stability
Acid-base reactions
Optical activity
Geometric isomerism
3Physical and inorganic chemistryKinetics
Acid-base reactions
Phase equilibria
4Analytical chemistrySpectroscopy
Redox reactions
Assay techniques
Diagnostic agents
5BiochemistryNomenclature Structures Biochemical classes Thermodynamics Biochemical pathways
6Structure-activity relationshipsRelationship between a chemical or 3D structure and its biological activity
7Medicinal chemistryStructure-activity relationships
Drug presentation and delivery
Drug formulation and stability
Drug metabolism
Mechanism of drug action
Modern drug development
Absorption, distribution and elimination of drugs
8Drug metabolismBreakdown and conversion of medicines through regularly occurring bodily process, leading to active ingredients and by-products of the original medicine

Pharmacology and physiology

You’ll need to show you understand and have suitable knowledge in the following content areas:

Paper 1Content assessedIndicative elements
1Biochemical pharmacologyPrinciples of drug action
Drug interactions
Receptor pharmacology
Autonomic transmission
Endocrine pharmacology
Cardiovascular pharmacology
Anti-inflammatory agents and analgesics
Diuretics Local and general anaesthetics
Drugs affecting nutritional and metabolic function
Drugs affecting the central nervous system
2Systemic pharmacologyThe mechanism of drug action as it relates to specific organs and disease states
3ChemotherapyAntibacterial drugs
Antiviral drugs
Antifungal drugs
Antiprotozoal drugs
Anthelmintic drugs
Anticancer drugs
4ToxicologyCommon side effects
Signs of toxicity
Mechanism of toxicity
5PathophysiologyAlteration of physiological processes by drugs or disease states
6General physiologyNormal bodily functions including but not limited to the central nervous, digestive, cardiovascular, lymphatic, nervous, respiratory, urinary, endocrine and reproductive systems and their integration Blood and other body fluids

Paper 2: Pharmaceutics and therapeutics


You’ll need to show you understand and have suitable knowledge in the following content areas:

Paper 2Content assessedIndicative elements
1Physical pharmacySolvents
Types of preparation
2BiopharmaceuticsDissolution Drug absorption
Bioavailability and bioequivalence
Drug interactions with a biopharmaceutical basis
3Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamicsBiological half-life
Elimination rate constants
Apparent volume of distribution
Steady state considerations
Drug protein binding
Drug metabolism
Drug interactions
Relevant calculations
4Pharmaceutical microbiologyPreservation
Antimicrobial agents
Sterilisation technology
5FormulationFormulation of drugs for various routes of administration
Parenteral dose forms
Controlled release preparations
Evaluation of particular dose forms
6Dose forms, including extemporaneous preparationDrug products
Constituent drug substances
Combination compounded products for use via various routes of administration


You’ll need to show you understand and have suitable knowledge in the following content areas:

Paper 2Content assessedIndicative elements
Sensitivity of balance
Proportions Isotonicity
Milliequivalents and milliosmoles
Buffers Dose calculations from body weight or surface area
2Posology and dose determinationsAppropriate dosages of common medications
Dosage regimens of common medications
3Medicine choiceDemonstrating an understanding of the clinical processes used for choosing the most appropriate drug for the presenting patient and their condition
4Surgical dressings, applications and associated drug delivery systemsDrug choices for surgical dressings
The use of and choices for surgical dressings
5Adverse reactions to drugsAdverse reactions for drugs
Relevant patient counselling and advice
6Drug interactionsDrug interactions
Relevant patient counselling and advice
7Drug informationUsing information sources to find drug and health information relevant to conditions and disease states
8Managing minor ailmentsNon-prescription prescribing
Diagnosing minor illness
Rational over-the-counter product selection
Over-the-counter drug information

KAPS exam paper samples Quiz

To help you sit the KAPS exam, we provide 4 official sample papers Quiz Test:

KAPS exam sample Material Test 1 Paper 1

KAPS exam sample Material Test 1 Paper 2

Rest two papers will be uploaded shortly 

These each contain older questions to help you practise. These questions are no longer used, but they’ll help you understand:

  • the types of content covered in each paper of the exam
  • how questions might be presented

If you want to practise the sample papers under exam conditions, you’ll need to answer all 100 questions in each paper in 2 hours.

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