Drugs Calculator: How to use Dilling’s rule (FOR UPTO 20YR OF AGE)
Dilling’s rule
(For upto 20 years of age)
Dilling’s rule is an age-based formula for calculating pediatric dose of drug. This formula based Calculator appears below:
Dilling rules = Age in years / 20 × adult dose
A seven year old pediatric patient is admitted to hospital. The dispenser is tasked with determining what dose of the medicine prescribed by the physician. If the adult dose is 100mg and the child weighs forty kilogram, what dose should the child is administered by using young’s rule?
Child dosage=7 yrs/20 yrs*100mg=35 mg of medicine
Age / 20 x Adult Dose = Pediatric Dose
General Tips:
Check that your answer makes sense clinically.
Triple check your work.
Have a colleague or pharmacist check your work.
Know general therapeutic drug doses for commonly administered medications.