Magnesium (Antidote)

Magnesium (Antidote)

DEA Class; OTC

Common Brand Names; 

  • Antidotes, Other

Co-factor in enzymatic processes

Slows the rate of S-A node impulse formation in the myocardium and prolongs conduction time

Stabilizes excitable membranes by promoting the movement of sodium, calcium, and potassium in and out of the cell

Indicated in Digitalis Toxicity, Hydrofluoric acid burns

Indicated for the treatment of documented hypomagnesemia or for torsades de pointes (polymorphic VT associated with long QT interval)

There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against the routine administration of magnesium during cardiac arrest


Heart block or myocardial damage

Diabetic coma

Myasthenia gravis




CNS depression

Motor & respiratory paralysis

Abnormal ECG


Heart block

Prolonged bleeding time

Serum levels poorly correlate to body stores

Solutions containing dextrose should be used with caution in patients with known prediabetes or diabetes mellitus given the risk of elevated blood glucose

Do not use in 5% dextrose Injection with unapproved tocolytics (eg, beta-adrenergic agents such as terbutaline, or with calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine); serious adverse events including pulmonary edema and hypotension have occurred

Continuous administration of magnesium sulfate beyond 5-7 days in pregnant women can lead to hypocalcemia and bone abnormalities in the developing fetus, including skeletal demineralization and osteopenia; in addition, cases of neonatal fracture reported

Use of intravenous magnesium in pregnant women increases human milk magnesium concentrations only slightly and oral absorption of magnesium by infant is poor; the effect of intravenous magnesium on milk production is unknown


Digitalis Toxicity

1-2 g IVP over 5 minutes, then 1 g/hr drip (if Digibind not available)

Monitor levels q2hr; therapeutic goal is 4.5 mEq/L

Other Indications & Uses

Hydrofluoric acid burns


25-50 mg/kg IV/IO over 10-20 minutes (may infuse faster in torsades de pointes); not to exceed 2 g/dose

Kleinman ME, et al. Circ 2010 Nov;122(18):S876-S908

Magnesium Antidotw

IV infusion, premixed in D5W

  • 10mg/mL

  • 20mg/mL

IV infusion, premixed in water

  • 40mg/mL

  • 80mg/mL

injection for dilution

  • 500mg/mL
